Friday, 9 May 2014

Further Research


As part of my research, I decided to compose a questionnaire to find out what viewers would want or expect to see in an animation meant for a 7-11. I had 8 people take these questionnaires, including an 8 year old and 11 year old, so I was prepared to take these answers very seriously.  

The questions were as followed:

·      What was your favourite animated TV show when you were aged 7-11?

·      Who is/was your favourite hero? (Does not need to be a superhero)

·      What do you think makes a hero a hero? (Select up to 3)

Costume/Mask          Powers/Gadgets        Sidekick          A Nemesis
Logo    Profession (Scientist, Spaceman, Pirate etc)         Cool    Always Wins

·      Who do you think is an ideal role model for a 7-11 year old?

·      What would you like to see a hero do? (Select ONLY 1)

Save Citizens              Catch Bad Guys         Solve Puzzles

·      How would you describe your perfect animation hero?


I received many interesting answers to my questionnaires. For question one I received the following answers: Pokemon x2, Spiderman, Sponge Bob, Transformers, Thunderbirds, Biker Mice from Mars and Mr Bean.
For question 2 Spiderman and Batman were the top answers, taking up more than half the vote. This may mean I have to design a superhero like these two names mentioned.
Question 3 was the answer I was most interested in as it gave me the real backdrop of what to base my hero on. The top answer was Powers/Gadgets, receiving 6/8 answers, 75%. The next high one were “Always Wins” and “Costume/Mask”. These were the answers I should base my character around, as this is what the viewers would most expect and would like to see. Profession and Sidekick were the only answers to receive no votes, and logo only got 1. I will take less consideration when it comes to these topics while creating my character. 
For question 4, 7 out of 8 people stated that they felt that Sportsmen, from footballers to athletes, are the ideal role models for children aged 7-11. The other answer being a policeman.
Question 5 was an interesting answer as well, as half the answer I received stated that a Hero should mainly be there to catch bad guys. The next highest answer with 3 was save citizens, with solving puzzles only receiving one vote.
My final question brought many different answers. These included:

·      Lots of cool weapons and gadgets
·      A Ninja
·      Saving lots of people x2
·      Cool look, Special powers and moves x2
·      A superhero who can fly
·      Fighting mythical beasts

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